Sunday, April 22, 2007

Now this is mucho cool!

Joanne Brooker es un kiwi, australiano, canadiense, que viaja por el mundo enseñando, exhibiendo su arte y experimentando otras culturas. Después de estudiar Arte Comercial en el college de Arte de Queensland. Joanne se unio a los periodicos de Queensland como ilustrador editorial. Bajo el nombre de, Applegate, Joanne creó ilustraciones para News Ltd por diez años. Sus ilustraciones van de realista, simbólico, humoritico, gráficos de computadora, especializandose en caricatura.Joanne es reconocida en la industria como uno de las artistas principales de los medios de Australia. En 2001 ella dejó los periódicos de Queensland para viajar por el mundo. Volviendo en 2002, Joanne continuó viajando y trabajando por China y Australia como un caricaturista y profesor de arte. La dedicacion de Joanne a su arte la hizo emprender un viaje sola a Irán durante las protestas pore la caricatura danesa hecha a Mahoma, esto con el proposito de entender el poder de la caricatura politica desde dentro de un pais musulman.Han exhibido el trabajo de Joanne en Barcelona, Irán, Escocia, Francia, China y por todas partes de Australia. Han publicado el trabajo de Joanne por todo el mundo como un artista y escritora. Joanne una profesional de medios ganadora de multiples premios, que entiende el proceso creativo del arte y su aplicaciones

PremiosNSW Premios de Periodismo:Mejor Arte 2005Bringing Down the House, Old Parliament House, Canberra:
Premio del PublicoThe Stanley AwardsArtsita del Año, Stanley de oroCaricaturista del AñoNominada Mejor Artista RealistaNominada Mejor CaricaturistaQueensland Media Awards,
Mejor Arte Editorial (premiada 2 veces)Coffs Harbour Rotary Cartoon AwardsMejor Caricatura, (premiada 2 veces)Nominada mejor Caricatura (nominada 3 veces)
Walkley AwardsFinalista
ExhibicionesGalleriazero, Barcelona 2006
Saales Gallery, Tehran 2006
Coolac Festival of Fun, Bald Archies, Sydney
St Justin Cartoon Exhibition, France
Sunday Mail Art Exhibition
Ayr Cartoon Festival, Scotland
Brisbane State Library "Media Art, Past, Present and Future".
Sydney Art Gallery, Darling Harbour,
Sydney.Bunker Cartoon Gallery "Australian Women Cartoonists"
IDC Venue, Newcastle
Back to Back Gallery, Newcastle "Hope"
Entered The Archibald Portrait Competition 2004
Exhibited galleries Queensland and NSW.
Enseñanza de ArteUniversidad de Southern Queensland
McGregor Escuela de Verano/Escuela de Invierno, Toowoomba
Darwin Parliament House
Libreria Comunal de Alice Springs
Centro Comunal de Artes de NewcastleHunter Community College
Libreria Estatal de QueenslandGrafton Artsfest
Bunker Cartoon GalleryInstituto de Arte de Brisbane
Libreria Estatal de Newcastle
Woodford Folk Festival
Palais NewcastleMaryborough Festival de ArteUSQ
McGregor Escuela de InviernoFlying Arts Queensland, talleres por todo QueenslandActividades GeneralesTours de promocion en China, a 13 ciudades y muchas provincias.8 al 21 de Abril de 2003, 8 al 25 de Octubre de 2003,15 de Marzo al 14 de Abril de 2004

Thursday, April 19, 2007

The Bolivia and Iran Artists Odyssey Begins

As anyone who has travelled overseas knows, the journey begins about two weeks before when you begin a slow mental melt down. I woke in a panic two weeks ago ..where is my passport!! Yes..I know I posted it to the Iran embassy for a visa so that is most likely where it is..but what if it isnt!!!! So for the past two weeks I have been hammering my mobile trying to get through to them. I left messages, I emailed, I faxed...nothing! I went quietly balistic at an the Australian consulate who wouldn't send someone around from their Canberra office to go bang on the Iranians door for me..funny that!
However..this morning after ringing twenty times I nearly fell off my chair when the Iranian embassy actually answered. The passport is awaits visa confirmation which will be known next week. Fine...core melt down averted...

In the mean time..Bolivia is rocking along. Jose Chique Vilca is my Peruvian main man is sorting out important things like picking me up from the airport, finding me somewhere to stay and organising my drinks....obviously important to Peruvian party people! Fine with me!

I will be speaking on a womans panel about us women in cartooning. I was on a similar women artists panel in Australia so it will be interesting to see if our experiences are similar. That will be an interesting report.

So to repack my bag for the fifteeth time and to figure out how to use all the go go gadgets I have bought to record this trip.
Stay tuned!

Here is all the latest from the Arde 5to Encuentro Internacional de Historietas in La Paz. OK is all in Spanish but there is an English translation bar on the right side to sort that out.

I am starting to go International again!

Joanne Brooker viaja por el mundo enseñando, mostrando su arte y experimentando otras culturas. Después de estudiar Arte Comercial en el Queensland College of Art, Joanne se une a Queensland Newspapers como ilustradora editorial. Bajo el seudónimo Applegate, Joanne trabajó para News Ltd por 10 años. Su trabajo es realista, simbólico o generado en computadora, pero siempre enfocado a la caricature. Joanne es reconocida en el mundo como una de las principales artistas australianas. Actualmente trabaja en China y Australia como caricaturista y profesora de arte. Su dedicación la llevó a realizar un viaje a Iran durante la crisis de las caricaturas danesas de Mahoma con el fin de entender el poder de la caricatura política dentro un país musulmán.
Ha expuesto su trabajo en Barcelona, Iran, Escocia, Francia, China y en toda Australia.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Metro Arts Weekend Workshop
September 22/23.

For those of you in Brizvegas can head over to Edward St in the city for another of my super popular

Introduction to Caricature weekend workshops.

Students are booking already so get in FAST!
$200 for the whole weekend including materials and a light lunch.


Fri 6, Sat 7 and Sun 8 July.

Thsi great art workshop is targeted at all artists who have ever played with the idea of illustrating for the print media.
Thsi is a professional development >workshop to show budding new media artist the REAL story about how to work in the industry. You will get professional opinions and insider knowledge

1) Outline of the print media industry / local players
2) Historical and current use of illustration in the media with examples
3) Styles and genres of illustration
4) What is needed and what makes money
5) How and who to approach at the papers.>
6) Practical exercises> - cartooning - comics- general illustration for articles and stories
Contact Frank Stadler for bookings.

Sturt Winter School June 25th - 29th.

As soon as I arrive back from my Art Journey to Iran and Bolivia I am heading down to the Sturt Winter School!
I am running my very popular Caricature/Portraiture classes for a full week of concentrated art fun.


All details online or contact me and I'll get you in!

Rug up and get creative this winter!
The 2007 Winter School will be held from June 25th - 29th. Courses cost $440 for one week and $880 for the two week courses (GST included).

Accommodation and meals are available in the adjacent Frensham boarding school - heated rooms, single beds, no locks, shared bathrooms, linen and blankets provided with all meals included. Costs for one week are below. For two-week courses, double the accommodation cost. Single: $417 Share: $357 arriving Sunday evening and leaving Friday evening Single: $348 Share: $301 arriving Monday morning and leaving Friday evening
Enrolments now open. Download the enrolment form as a PDF. Enrolments are by mail, fax or email only.
Post to : Sturt, P.O. Box 34, Mittagong NSW 2575Fax to: 02 4860 2081Email to: